Becoming a Sojourner
Membership Categories
Active Members
Those Master Masons and U. S. citizens who are serving or have served honorably in the Uniformed Services of the United States meet the requirements for Active membership in National Sojourners and who have been regularly elected to and initiated in any chapter of National Sojourners, Inc., are Active members.
Honorary Member
Those Master Masons who are ineligible for Active membership but who have been regularly elected to Honorary membership in any chapter of National Sojourners in recognition of meritorious service to the Nation or Freemasonry.
All Brethren who are interested in the Order should apply.
- Masonic – You must be a Master Mason (3rd Degree) in good standing of a recognized Regular Lodge*.
- Military – You must have served honorably in the Uniformed Services of the United States.
- Honorary – If you do not qualify under the provisions of the military standards, each chapter is authorized 15% of its membership to be honorary. It can exceed this 15% with a special waiver of the National President. Grand Lodge Officers in the Progressive, Elective Line that would qualify as honorary will not be accounted for within the 15% limitation.
Membership Costs
Membership In Perpetuity (MIP)
This is a one-time payment of dues which may, under certain circumstances and if the Chapter allows it, be paid incrementally. An MIP is paid to the tax-deductible fund known as the National Sojourners Trust Fund in the amount of $700.00 of which $700.00 is tax-deductible. This membership is welcomed by all Chapters of the Order. However, should a member wish to join another Chapter as an MMIP (Multiple Membership In Perpetuity), the amount would be reduced to $155.00. In each case, in the memo of the check it should be noted with the letters MIP and the chapter’s name and number. Some Chapters are only MIP Chapters, so you should check with the Chapter Secretary for accurate payment costs.
Annual Dues
A member may choose to pay annual membership dues, but these dues are not tax-deductible. The amount varies by Chapter and should be made payable as directed by the Chapter Secretary.
I Meet the Qualifications
- Locate and contact the Chapter nearest you. Our Chapters and locations can be found HERE.
- You may also contact our National Secretary at (703) 765-5000 or by e-mail at
- For more details click here for our brochure What’s It All About
- Once you are in touch with a Chapter, they will provide you with an application (petition).
I Am Not a Mason
- Visit the Link Page and go to the website of the Grand Lodge of your state. They should have information on becoming a Mason in your area.
- You may also go to https://BeAFreemason.Org for the Northeast and Midwest states.
Note: Please contact the National Secretary for all questions regarding regularity, as membership in some Lodges may not qualify you for membership.