National Sojourners®

"When we assumed the soldier, we did not lay aside the citizen."

Policy and Procedures Manual

The Policy and Procedures Manual extracts contained here are still in the
process of review or may be out for approval by the National President.
But, they are the most current versions available for reference at this
time. If you have comments, concerns, or recommendations for changes,
please contact the OPR (and remember, the OPR is NOT A PERSON, it is the
OFFICE of PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY (for example, Committee of 33) so you
should contact a member or the chair of that office with your comments.

And, NOW, for those who think they know English and write well, please take a few precious minutes
to read JUST PLAIN ENGLISH – (click on it) which is a document that ORIGINALLY came out of the
USAFA English Department as a 10 page guide for English Department students. The Navy, in its
infinite wisdom obviously felt that if the AF could summarize every important facet of communicating
in 10 pages, the navy could do much better in 16 pages. <LOL> I am trying to see if the USAFA has
a digital copy of the original (circa 1981) but I’m not going to hold my breath.

1.10     Artwork for National Sojourners and Heroes of '76
1.11     Insignia Wear Guide
5.1.1    National Constitution and By Laws
5.2.11   Policies and Procedures Manual Standardization
6.1      National Officers Meeting Guide
6.2      National Line Officers Handbook v2
6.3      National Headquarters Handbook
6.4      Board of Directors Handbook
6.4.1    Articles of Incorporation
6.5      Committee of 33 Handbook